Traffic Services for Special Events

Trained Traffic Control Experts: Part of Safety & Security for Your Planned Special Events
Planned Special Events (PSEs) can involve substantial costs and, in many cases, generate significant revenues to private industry and government entities. A predictable part of your event’s cost is connected to managing crowds entering or exiting parking areas near the event.
Cross Safe provides a cost-effective alternative to active duty police to help manage your event’s “walk zones” and parking areas. Because safety of event attendees is always at the forefront of event planning, maintaining pedestrian safe “walk zones” within a radius of your event becomes essential if there are active streets to cross.
Many events, such as concerts and professional team sports, are held only on evenings and weekends. This can lead to budget increasing overtime costs for active duty or even off-duty police officers.
Out-sourcing this portion of event safety to Cross Safe allows the Police Department to focus on their day to day operations, without having to assign a sworn officer responsibility to oversee traffic control and crowd crossing control. In addition, should police officers need to cover essential policing duties during the event, crossing areas are not left unattended.
Cross Safe helps you plan for traffic control and can cover set up and day of event activities, as well as any requirements for traffic control associated with event closing and tear-down.
Cross Safe provides traffic control services for PSEs at temporary venues: parades, fireworks displays, bicycle races, sporting games, motorcycle rallies, seasonal festivals, and civic milestone celebrations.
Traffic Control Professionalism Starts with Training, Uniforms
All Cross Safe traffic control personnel wear company issued and required uniforms while on the job. This helps identify them as professionals, reducing risks for drivers and pedestrians.
Cross Safe maintains comprehensive General Liability Insurance and Worker’s Compensation coverage protecting both our clients and our employees.
Hiring traffic and crowd control professionals only works if they are reliably in the right place at the right time.
Cross Safe’s advanced, real-time GPS-based time and attendance system notifies an account manager as our employees enter or leave the job site. This system allows a manager to immediately identify and address any unattended posts.
Background on Cross Safe
Our company was founded in 1994 in Charlotte, North Carolina, with just a few employees and one customer. Cross Safe is a division of Park Inc. which has expanded to over 75 operations in 18 states, with more than 400 employees. During this period, our annual revenue has grown to over $8.0 million. Founder Brian Haupricht remains the company’s chief executive officer and its principal shareholder.
From its initial concentration on valet parking, the company has developed a full range of services, including crossing guards, traffic controlling, large-scale garage management, surface lot operation, shuttle bus services, and parking/traffic control consultation.
Corporate administrative functions are housed at the headquarters office while regional and local offices provide hands-on management of local service operations.
Our company owes its success to a strong customer service program developed through extensive employee training that is reinforced daily in local operations.
Let's Discuss Your Needs

Let us handle your personnel recruitment, background checks, human resource and payroll services, along with site safety inspections, staff training and supervision, and effective communications with each school.